6 Resources

6.1 Introduction

This area of the website will act as a library for any supporting information relating to travel planning that can be used for reference while you are working on a Travel Plan.

6.2 Navigation

The Reference section is formed of a main menu and several sub menus. It is possible to navigate between these sub-menus by either returning to the main menu, or by using the sub-menu navigation bar at the top of the screen.


The Reference section is divided into six sub-menus, each relating to common reference material that can be used in travel planning:

The policy vault includes all policy documentation relating to travel planning in Greater Manchester, and can be accessed via an interactive map.

District map

To access the relevant policies for each local authority, click on the relevant area illustrated in the map. Policy and guidance documents from TfGM are available by clicking the TfGM text in the bottom right of the map.

The Contact section is split into two options: questions about the toolkit and questions about planning. Questions about the toolkit can relate to errors on the website or documentation. It is advised that users should examine the technical help throughout the website (see Sections 7 and 8) or view the About, Help or Reference sections before consulting TfGM on technical queries about travel planning.

All planning application queries should be addressed to the relevant local authority, based on the list of contacts provided. TfGM cannot respond to queries relating to individual planning applications on behalf of local authorities.

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