Reviewing guidance

As part of the monitoring process, the Travel Plan Coordinator needs to demonstrate that the objectives from the Travel Plan are being met. 

This can be achieved through:

The core component of monitoring a Travel Plan is reporting where measures have been successful and targets have been met. This can be demonstrated through surveys or feedback from the workforce. It is important to maintain success and keep implementing the successful measures over the monitoring period.
Not all measures are guaranteed to be successful; there may be limited uptake or lack of communication on some measures while others just may not have worked as well as hoped. Identifying these measures helps to see how they can be made effective in the first instance, or to establish what could be learned from unsuccessful initiatives.
Nearby businesses may already have a Travel Plan in operation and it may be possible to benefit from some of the measures they have in place. It also provides a forum for swapping ideas and best practice and improves the efficiency of any measures put in place.
Formal annual monitoring of Travel plans is sometimes set for a period of time – often for five years. If this is the case, at the end of this period the Travel Plan will be become a voluntary document. It is, however, strongly recommended that the travel plan continues to be updated and implemented.

Travel Plans

New to Travel Plans? Find out more about when they are needed and the benefits they bring.

a Travel Plan

Search the archives for Greater Manchester Travel Plans created using the toolkit.