Accessibility The degree to which a site is accessible from different modes of transport, not exclusively single occupancy cars.
Action plan A series of  measures designed to meet the Travel Plan objectives, oriented around defined targets and timescales.
Applicant Person or agency responsible for completing the Travel Plan for, or on behalf of the Developer.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) A levy that local authorities can apply to new developments, which can be used to fund infrastructure according to the council’s priorities.
Core Strategy A high level planning document – also referred to as a Local Plan - that sets out the council’s plans for housing, employment and infrastructure within a defined period.
Desired outcome The main objectives of a Travel Plan, which are used to define targets and measures that are relevant to an individual site.
Developer Land owner or company responsible for leading the development of the site. May appoint other companies or agencies to complete certain elements of their planning application – such as the Travel Plan.
Development Planning Document (DPD) Forms part of the Local Development Framework, outlining key development goals – see also ‘Core Strategy’ and ‘Local Plan’.
Discharged condition A planning condition that has been successfully addressed by the developer, thus allowing the development to progress.
Enforcement A role carried out by local authorities to ensure that planning conditions and Section 106 agreements are maintained.
iTRACE An online tool used by local authorities to monitor and review travel plans and ensure they are being implemented effectively.
Local Development Framework (LDF) A series of documents that provide a structure for development planning within a local authority – includes Core Strategies and LTPs.
Local plan See ‘Core Strategy’.
Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) A funding stream established between 2011 and 2015 to facilitate economic development while reducing carbon emissions.
Local Transport Plan (LTP) Document forming part of the LDF and Core Strategy and relating to planned transport improvements and funding.
Measures Individual initiatives incorporated into a Travel Plan to meet targets and achieve objectives.
Monitoring A role carried out by occupiers and local authorities to ensure that the Travel Plan is producing the desired results.
Occupier The eventual end-user of the site, who will occupy the development following completion.
Planning condition A clause within planning documents relating to an issue that has been identified by the local authority. These should be should be resolved (or ‘discharged’) prior to site occupation.
Planning obligation A legal requirement set out by the local authority to ensure that developers provide for or fund elements on a site before planning permission can be granted.
Section 106 (S106) agreement The legal structure used to enshrine and enforce planning obligations.
SMART targets A means of ensuring that any defined targets are not too abstract; stands for Site-Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-related.
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Documents used to support the Core Strategy, outlining specific planning policies or development plans.
Sustainability A way of living and operating that reduces carbon emissions and often leads to other benefits such as economic savings and health improvements.
Sustainable transport Modes of travel that reduce carbon emissions and congestion, away from single occupancy vehicles.
Targets Site-specific aims that are defined through the objectives and are used to help identify useful measures to help achieve them.
Transport Assessment (TA) A document that accompanies the planning application and is normally drawn up by a transport consultant outlining the predicted transport impact and transport improvements proposed as part of a development.
Travel Choices A branch of TfGM that aims to tackle congestion, reduce carbon emissions and boost the regional economy.
Travel Plan Coordinator An individual tasked with producing or implementing the Travel Plan. This role can be carried out by several individuals over the course of site development, planning and occupation.
TRICS An online database of traffic surveys that can be used to estimate site traffic generated from a proposed site.
Unitary Development Plan (UDP) A planning document drawn up by municipal authorities, due to be superseded by Core Strategies.
Unilateral undertaking An agreement made by developers to settle planning obligations relevant to their planning application.