


Car sharing

Public transport

Car usage

Incentives & promotions

Measures to encourage cycling

* Please refer to Greater Manchester Cycling Design Guidance for the measures indicated below.

Personal safety improvements

Includes improvements to street lighting and CCTV and creating a more open cycling environment to improve the personal safety of cyclists.

Road safety improvements *

Taking steps to improve cyclist safety on adjacent roads, such as crossings, traffic calming and traffic islands. 

Infrastructure improvements *

Physical improvements to cycleways; including basic maintenance, bicycle lanes and site access.

Bike pool fleet

Bikes that are stored on site and which can be booked for use by employees.

Secure and covered cycle parking *

Cycle parking with effective security (locks, CCTV) and shelter in place.

Bicycle allowances (eg cycle loans, cycle discounts, cycle mileage)

Offers to employees to cover the cost of owning or riding a bike.

Clear signage

Clear signage on nearby cycle infrastructure; way-marking to nearby population centres and public transport stops and signage for site entrances.

Cycle mapping

Clear mapping of cycle routes around the site, indicating suitable cycleways.

Showers, lockers, changing rooms, drying facilities

On-site facilities to allow commuters to change in and out of cycling clothes.

Cycle user groups

Groups that bring together those who cycle to work and provide a forum for suggesting further improvements.

Cycle proficiency training

Training to improve employees’ cycling ability, safety awareness and confidence on roads.

Cycle maintenance training

Training to improve employees’ confidence in bike maintenance and minor repairs.

National Cycle to Work Day

National event that takes place every summer, encouraging employees to try out cycling as a means of commuting.

Cycle events (organised cycles, cycle breakfast, social bike)

Promotional events such as group cycle trips, social bike and cycling breakfasts.
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