


Car sharing

Public transport

Car usage

Incentives & promotions

Measures to encourage public transport usage

Up to date public transport information

Provide information on local and popular routes to and from the workplace, checked to ensure it comes from the latest timetables.

Personalised public transport information

Provide timetable information on specific services, tailored to individual responses to a Travel Survey.

Improvements to services (provision, frequency, price)

Work alongside public transport operators/private operators to determine the benefits of improving services to the site.

Improvements  to infrastructure (shelters, signage, real time information)

Upgrade existing infrastructure to make public transport a more attractive option.

Flexible working hours

Allow staff flexible working hours to allow them to catch services that are best suited to getting them to and from the workplace, rather than requiring them to be at work at a fixed time.

Discounts/loans for tickets

Offer a salary sacrifice scheme to pay for season tickets, or adopt one of the corporate offers available to employers through the main public transport operators.

Better connections to nearby stops

Improve pedestrian and cycling accessibility to nearby public transport stops.

Cycle parking at bus/train/Metrolink stops

Encourage more staff to cycle by providing an opportunity for staff to park bikes at public transport stops.
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